
Chimpanzee Attack Oprah

During the Oprah Winfrey Show, Charla Nash, the woman who was mauled by a 200-pound chimpanzee last February 16 this year revealed her face and shared how her sightless life went after that tragic incident.

The attack took place outside Herold's home, when Herold called Nash to help her shepherd the 14-year-old chimpanzee, Travis, back into her house. Police shot and killed Travis after he attacked Nash.

Nash's legal filing describes her injuries as "catastrophic." She lost both hands and incurred "traumatic facial injury" that includes the loss of her nose, upper and lower lips, eyelids and the bony structures in her mid-face.

Doctors have been able to reattach one of her thumbs, which Winfrey gently shook at the end of the interview. Asked what she would tell those who saw her and didn't know how to react, Nash said, "I'm the same person I've always been. I just look different. You know, and there's things that happen in life that, you know, you can't change it. You know, it's a tragedy."

Source: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20319290,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines


What's A Tank Chair?

some may have already heard the so called Tank Chair. For those who haven't yet, you may wonder, what's a tank chair?

From the name itself, it looks like a tank used during wars, but hey! It creates sounds similar to that. The material used to design this "beast" includes a one-piece steel chassis with the trails made from ruggedized rubber and lightweight aluminum struts. Claiming to run at a speed of 5 mph, the Tank Chair Mk II has 24V, 2HP, 127RPM variable speed motor that extracts its juice from four Optima Deep Cycle batteries.
tank chair

It is now offered at £15 000. Not only that, for every 10 chairs sold, one will be donated to someone in a rural area who can’t afford to buy the chair. Great deal, right?

Source: http://thehub.c-hab.com/2009/11/tank-chair/