
Giant Squid Found Off Coast Australia

Yes, it was confirmed that Giant Squids do really exist! Recently, a dead giant squid was found off coast of Australia, and although it was already dead when Al McGlashan, the author of The Fishing Bible, found it, still this proves that Giant Squid really exist.

This reminds me of the previous episode of Hooked from Discovery Channel, or I think its from NatGeo, that I have watched yesterday where a man (sorry I forgot his name) is "addicted" to finding


Nuffnang and Wacoal Bloggers' Contest

Another great contest for bloggers is up. This time it's sponsored by Wacoal and Nuffnang! Wacoal aims to make every woman look beautiful regardless of their age, thus they launched their campaign:
Wacoal believes that every woman is made beautiful. They understand women's bodies vary, and that every woman's body changes as she ages. In complementing a woman's physical transformation, Wacoal offers products anchored on exceptional quality and style innovation, making sure that every woman looks her best at any age.
Below are the details for this bloggers' contest:


American Idol 2012 Season 11 Result

The most awaited finale of American Idol Season 11 (2012) is finally over and the result has already been announced. The final two, Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips did all their best for the season's finale and I can say that both of them really did a great job! According to http://www.hollywoodreporter.com,
Phillip Phillips is the winner of American Idol's 11th season, beating out 16-year-old vocal powerhouse Jessica Sanchez for the title and bragging rights. Pillips, a 21-year-old singer-songwriter from Leesburg, Ga., is the fifth male singer in a row to go home with the Idol glory. Although Sanchez had the pipes, Phillips gained momentum in part from two clear advantages: he is telegenic, which helped him score legions of female fans, and his show coronation song, "Home," is perhaps the best to come out of Idol in 10 years. Phillips was even dubbed "the next Springsteen" by judge Steven Tyler.


Facebook Faces Lawsuit

Facebook has been undeniably becomes more and more popular each day. You can seldom encounter a person who does not have a Facebook account or who hasn't heard of Facebook. Anyway, if you are a Facebook user or an enthusiast, you must be aware that it is not just solely owned by a single person named Mark Zuckerberg. In fact it has a number of shareholders. And speaking of shareholders, A
class action lawsuit has been filed by shareholders of Facebook against the company and its IPO underwriter Morgan Stanley, claiming Facebook cut its financial estimates without informing everyone.
According to http://www.neowin.net,
The lawsuit claims that Facebook only told the large institutional investors about its lowered financial expectations during the "road show", leaving all the other interested Facebook stock buyers without that knowledge. Because that information was not put into Facebook's prospectus, the lawsuit claims it "contained untrue statements of material facts."


Are You A Facebook User?

Here in the Philippines, the most popular social network is Friendster. I think I don’t have to elaborate further about this as I’m pretty sure that you’re one of us (Friendster user), too, right? Anyway, in the US, (not necessarily US) or in other countries, most of the people there are using Facebook aside from MySpace to get in touch with their families and friends, as well as, meet other people online. Did You Know… Facebook was originally named TheFaceBook and it was developed by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg. The first use of the FaceBook was on the Harvard campus and it was limited only to Harvard students. Soon the FaceBook spread like wild fire around the other major U.S. Universities. Mark Zuckerberg dropped the Harvard and pursued his facebook dream to become one of the 4th most-trafficked websites in the world with more than 90 million active users. The FaceBook website is built on PHP-MySQL technology and it is probably the most popular PHP website ever built. Interesting fact is that the facebook.com domain was purchased for $200,000 and FaceBook has more than 24 million photos uploaded daily.


What is Smallpox Vaccine?

Most mothers are already aware of what is a smallpox vaccine, for those who are not familiar with it yet, well, it was the first successful vaccine to be developed. Edward Jenner discovered the small pox vaccine in 1976. Before this, the mortality rates reached up to 35% high. On the other hand, another vaccine was introduced by Jonas Salk, the Polio Vaccine. Today these types of vaccines play vital roles to our children's lives as these helps the body fight the uncontrollable invasion of certain diseases to our body.


What is Assburger's Syndrome?

Many have been searching for the definition or description of Asperger's Disease or Asperger's Syndrome. But instead of searching for "asperger", they have wrongly typed the word "assburger" sybdrome.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) Assburger Syndrome means:
is believed to be the most common personality disorder in the Western world, yet it remains one of the least frequently diagnosed. It is an often-degenerative condition that can manifest itself in many different ways in different patients, but almost all Assburger's sufferers exhibit at least five of the following symptoms:
  •  a strong liking and desire to eat hamburgers made from meat deriving from the rump of humans, animals, or a combination of the two
  • a strong urge to make a fupa sandwich with animal semen
  • Delusions of superiority.
  •  People who "get jokes" 
  • A hyper-inflated sense of their own intelligence, wit, charm or appearance. 
  • Ditto for their professional, sporting, musical, rhyming and/or computer prowess. 
  • An obsessive need for cheese that borders on interesting. 
  • School shootings 
  • An utter inability to think more than one thought at a time. 
  • A lack of empathy for the hordes of people who live like mooing cows. 
  • A belief that the horde of sheeple that they belong to is better than other hordes of sheeple. 
  • A constant oral discharge of fecal matter 
  • The arousal in others of violent or homicidal thoughts. 
  • An unnatural fondness for the teletubbies. 
  • Drawn to raping cats in the butt. 
  • Known for being a homosexual, a type of antisocial human commonly found on craigslist


Vacation to Bald Head Island

Bald Head Island has become popular lately due to its celebration of the National Lighthouse Day. The annual event's purpose is to raise funds for the preservation of 192-year-Old Baldy, the oldest standing lighthouse at North Carolina.

I just wish I could spend some nice vacation at the Bald Head Island...


The Natural and Healthy Solution to Stay Awake

I have mentioned in my previous post, that I am a nocturnal person and that I come so alive in the evening and I can stay up late even until the next morning. But as human as I am (hehehe), I sometimes need an “upper” when there are times that I really need to stay up late, especially when I’m doing research works, making grades and the stuffs like that.

I have never been a coffee-addict, but I have tried drinking coffee when I need to stay up late, especially on the wee hours of the morning. I also tried gulping a liter of coke, (gradually, of course). Aside from these two, I have never tried any other types of “upper”; but lately I have read that there is a more natural and healthy way of staying up late, rather than caffeine consumption or coke-gulping.

Did You Know…

Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning when you need to stay up late. Hmmm… I haven’t tried this, but definitely I will when the need arises. For now, I don’t need apples for staying up late; I just need it to balance my diet.

And if you have tried this, will you be kind enough to tell me if this worked for you?


An Unknown Health Booster

Researchers have discovered that events such as pleasant family celebrations or evenings with friends boost the immune system for the following two days. Unpleasant moments had the opposite effect: negative events, such as being criticized at work, weakened the immune function for one day afterward.


Quick Facts On Hot Air Balloon

The first hot air balloon to carry passengers was invented by the Montgolfier brothers in France in 1783. It flew five miles. The air in a hot air balloon is about 212 degrees.


Does Laughing Make You Lose Weight?

Weight Loss

I really wanted to lose weight but I'm not that dedicated enough to do some laborious tasks.(LOL) But hey!

Did You Know...

Laughing is aerobic. It provides a workout for the diaphragm and increases the body's ability to use oxygen.
I'm glad I am one of those lucky people who can find something funny in any situation no matter how gross and morbid it is...hehehe I'm just wondering, until when I am going to laugh to lose much of my weight...(sigh)