
Those Lazy Freaks...

I'm sure most of you know people who are way too lazy in school, right? In fact, we might have predicted that they will end up as losers, right again? LOL But are you aware that there are not-so-bright students in school that became famous and notable in a very exemplary manner? Yes, this is true...

Did You Know...

Thomas Alva Edison was one of several geniuses who did poorly in school like Einstein, Newton, and Pasteur? Edison's mother, a schoolteacher, was so offended by his poor grades that she removed him from school and taught him herself.


Why Drink Water?

I don’t know exactly the reason why most of the time I don’t drink water after breakfast when I was in grade school; what I was doing was to chew candy and sometimes wait for it to melt in my mouth (this maybe the reason why I have these dreadful teeth now, If only I knew way back then…)

I can also remember that I can directly swallow a medicine tablet even without water, which was why my friends and my classmates were really amazed of it before.

Did You Know…

Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61%. Now, is the time for us to make drinking-water-after-eating a habit…Don’t you think so?


Rainbow Connection

It’s been a long time since I have last seen a rainbow and I guess what?! I can not picture it anymore…All I know that it has different colors and comes out after the rain, as the song says, “ There’s a rainbow always after the rain…”

Did You Know…

If you can see a rainbow, you must have your back to the sun. If you don’t you can’t see it. Is this is? Well, maybe I don’t have my back at the sun (as it is very hot…LOL)…


Math Wizard

I am proud to say that I am very good in math, not excellent, though; and I have also been awarded as the Mathematician of the year during my High School days. But I have never tried solving this one:

Did You Know…

There are 40320 ways to arrange the other eight reindeers if we assume that Rudolph is in front… I think this can be solved through permutation…Hmmm…


What is Lunula?

Here is a very quick and short trivia for you today…

The white part of your fingernail is called lunula (lu-nyu-la). I hope you learned something from this blog today… Please come again for another useful information that may come in handy…You’ll never know…


Beautiful Eyes

I have been fascinated of people’s eyes. It is the first thing that I looked into a person. When one has a good set of eyes, I admire them and sometimes I immediately got a crush on him or her.

Did You Know…

Eyes are always the same size from birth, meaning they never grow. It is said that our nose and ears never stop growing. I haven’t noticed this fact about the eye until I have come across this trivia…


Five Years to Have Coffee

My husband is a coffee-addict before as he can consume up to ten cups a day. Gradually, I told him to reduce it to one to two cups as much as possible. At first he was constantly having headaches and it will just go away after drinking a cup of coffee. So you can just imagine, how many cups he can consume for a day, before we met…

Did You Know…

When a coffee seed is planted, it will take five years for it to yield consumable fruit

And just how many fruits of this a cup of coffee contains? Well… that’s nature’s gift, might as well, enjoy it because it is also an anti-oxidant. That’s “drink” moderately.


Humans and Dolphins’ Pleasure

It has been scientifically proven that human is the highest form of animal; we are a rational animal, so meaning, our every action must have reason. If there are times that we act like those of the lower form, it is our own choice.

Honestly, I can’t think of a better introduction or prologue for this post’s trivia without being green, so I think I have to be straight to the point now.

Did You Know…

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. I just wonder how dolphins can have pleasure under water, with their weights and size and all that… (lol)

Just another quick fact about dolphins: they sleep with their one eye open. I wish can do that…


The Strongest Muscle

Nowadays, men and women are fond of going to the gym burning our fats/calories that the have accrued during the holiday season. I bet “going to the gym” or “losing weight” is definitely in their list of New Year’s Resolution.

Some have also frequented gyms to grow muscles so that they will look more manly or sexy for the women. While some are not yet contented of their bulging triceps and biceps as well as their six (6) packs (8 packs, actually) and wants them to bulge more. Whatever their reason may be…let’s just leave them alone (hehehe). It’s their prerogative.

Did You Know…

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. I don’t exactly know the basis of this trivia. But in my “layman’s” idea, I think it’s because it can move on its own and that it flexible enough to do things that other muscles can’t.

I just remembered a record holder from the Guinness World of Records pulling a very big truck using only his tongue! Yes! This is true, I don’t know if you have seen this. Strings or ropes are tide on a pin that his also connected on his tongue. See, how strong the tongue is? Maybe, men should learn to explore their tongue’s ability to satisfy women. (this is just an honest and “clean” suggestion…lol)


Having Fun Going Brainless

I hate people who pretend that they know everything but at the same time, I am also having fun listening them and pretending that I “brainless’ in the sense that I pretend that I don’t know what they are talking about and that I am really interested in what they are telling me.
I don’t know why they have to pretend like that. Will it hurt them if they admit that they don’t know something? Or will their ego be hit “bull’s eye” when other people are aware that they know nothing? Why do they need to impress others when in fact they look like Mr. or Ms. Morones (moron)? Are they still waiting for me to slam to their face the words like this, FYI (as in Fuck You, Idiot!)? and speaking of brainless,

Did You Know…

Starfish don't have brains. I wonder how they manage to live. What tells them to eat? Their instinct?! But I thought instincts come from the brain, also, right? Hmmm…poor creature.

Back to what I have been ranting above, people like them should be glad as they are never alone… Starfish can sympathize with them…(lol)


Dentist’s Said…

Pearly white teeth, perfect set of teeth and “close-up” smile are some of the services that our dentist can offer. In addition, they have also taught us on how to brush our teeth correctly, care for them (the teeth, not the dentist…lol) and gave us other valuable information so that we can have a healthy and strong teeth.

Did You Know…

One of the advices of the dentists is to keep our toothbrush six (6) feet away from the toilet when we are on the process of flushing it. This is to avoid germs coming out of the bowl coming in contact with the toothbrush, and with our mouth, later…

I’m glad I have come to know this as it is my routine to bring my toothbrush with me inside the bathroom, when I do my rituals every morning, which includes letting go of the toxins (defecating), taking a bath and lastly, brushing my teeth.